Forest and river depicting Sustainability

Living Business Programme

HSBC has partnered with Globally and Get in the Ring to deliver the Living Business Programme to support companies to develop and implement their own business for the planet.

As companies do so they become stronger and healthier customers that are better able to respond to and profit from the challenges of the decades ahead.

Living Business Programme supports companies :

  • 1:1 with Globally to understand clients sustainability ambitions and experience and to identify opportunities
  • 1:1 support in framing a sustainability strategy and development of new ESG initiatives for implementation
  • Connect clients to success partners – solution providers who can work with you clients to deliver the chosen project.

"Environmental and sustainable goals are at the heart of our strategy as an institution. As a bank, we’ve committed to be net zero by 2030. We’ve committed between U.S.$750 billion and U.S.$1 trillion of financing to support customers in their transition to net zero through to 2050.

Daniel Howlett | HSBC’s Head of Commercial Banking in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey.

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