
HSBCnet Mobile App Mobile authorisation

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Your quick and easy way to authorise your trade transaction, anytime, anywhere.

HSBCnet Mobile App Mobile authorisation

HSBCnet Mobile is a convenient way to access a select set of HSBCnet services using your supported mobile device.

With Trade Authorisation, you can authorise import trade transactions for submission to HSBC. You may also view trade transactions that are in transit or which have an error in transmission.

The following import trade transactions are eligible for authorisation via the HSBCnet Mobile app:

  • Import Bill
  • Import Loan
  • Import DC Application/Amendment

To authorise a trade transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Trade authorisations from the menu.
  2. Select Location / Institution to change to the desired country.
  3. Select pending transactions for authorisation and select the Authorise button.
  4. The Authorisation Confirm screen will be displayed. Select Confirm to proceed to the Acknowledgement screen.
  5. Select the View Pending Authorisation button to go back and authorise further pending trade transactions.
  6. Import Bills and Import Loans can be authorised individuallyor in bulk.

What you will need:

  1. An Apple or Android device
  2. The latest version of the HSBCnet Mobile App downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play™
  3. Your HSBCnet login

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